Wednesday 2 November 2016

"Last Rites For The Rhino"

Exeter Deep Ecology Network is not just a discussion group.  From time to time we take our message out onto the High Street.  This we did on the 2nd October.

The existence of a number of colourful Rhino structures located at key locations around the city centre gave us an opportunity to highlight species extinction in a creative street theatre event.  We wanted to be informative and eye-catching, but not in a preachy way.

We conducted a solemn "Mourning For All Species" ceremony - wearing black - at seven of the Rhinos.
Vicky was banging a djembe drum - a slow funereal beat as we proceeded from Rhino to Rhino. Tracey and Martine carried the shroud which was placed over the Rhino. Then Billy - standing on a dais - read out a list of animals on the Endangered Species list.  After a while the wailing began, as the mourners expressed our despair - "honouring our pain for the world".   When we had finished we proceeded in a dignified cortege towards the next Rhino following a banner declaring that 30,000 species go extinct every year.

YouTube Video:

So how did it go down among the many onlookers?  Many people were stopped in their tracks and took time to watch the whole ceremony.  At one point some people joined us in the wailing.  And we actually received applause after we had finished the ceremony at one of the Rhinos. 

We're hoping that  a large number of people have now been alerted to the fact that species extinction is a significant crisis.

Sadly our local paper, the Express and Echo, didn't mention our street theatre despite our alluring press release.  

However we did get a group letter published on the 6th October (see left).

Vicky - Djembe drummer.
Billy - Species Reader.
Martine and Tracey - Rhino Shroud bearers.
Maurice - Placard bearer.
David - Mourner.
Simon - Cameraman.

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